Places is an object-theatre performance that wants to be a tribute to the Italian writer Italo Calvino. Visions of different places, real and metaphorical that coexist in our life. Some of this places are hidden, but if we change our view we will be able to see the poetry in them.
The object-theatre is an experimental form of puppetry: it consists of the use of commonly objects that are reworked or used in their original form. The narrative sequence alternates between different visions, while leaving room for the imagination and reflection. The performance talks about the complexity of these places using symbols, metaphors and paradoxes, visually translating them into an essentially non-verbal figure show. We start with the character of the writer who searches in his imagination for the places and stories of his works, intertwining everything with incidents from the author’s life.
A peculiar show directed by Matteo Spiazzi with Davide De Togni and Silvia De Bastiani, performing at the Tata Lit Festival.
Matteo Spiazzi is an author theatrical pedagogue and theatre director, he is specialized in masks, and puppetry. He worked in several countries: Austria, Belarus, Czech Rep., Ecuador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Lituania, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine.